Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ephesians 1:3

My heart is full. I have a sweet husband whom I adore, A fiesty lovable 2 year old, a sweet cuddly baby boy, a mom who cares about stupid deals of my day, friends that really love me, and a lovely mentor who I am so grateful for. I mention just these things because at this moment those are who come to mind.   I am bless. Even when things in my world seem to be running a little "bumpy" God reminds me of a few of the blessings he has given to me. Well thats it. Simply, I AM BLESSED. Here are a few pics of just some of the people that God has blessed me with.

Ephesians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.

Thank you Lukey for keeping me young!
Thank you mom for caring about all the crazy details.
I seriously love them!
Calvin you are such a joy!  I think youre gonna be a mamma's boy.

My doula on the left and my sweet doctor on the right. I seriously had the best birth team ever.  Yep my doctor came to my home.  (My doula and her are bff and my doula use to live in my house years ago.  My doctor spent lots of time there too so she wanted to see what we did to change it.)

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