But on Aug 25th they started up again in the morning. I called my mom to come down and take Lucas. I walked the block a few times, sat on the birthball all day long and even did the pressure points. I was exhausted and nothing was happening, so I went to bed. I woke up around 12:30am to go pee. No biggie, but laid back in bed and had a "different" contraction. I felt it. It hurt just a bit. I laid there and about 10mins later another one came. After about 3 of these coming ever 10mins, I woke up Tyler and told him what was happening. He wanted to time them himself. Two more came and they were 10mins apart. I knew I was in early labor but could no longer sleep. So I got in the shower. BOOM! 2 - 3mins apart the second I got in the shower. Crazy how it clicked on. I labored in there while Tyler called Kim and our families. (I'm staring to get butterflies just writing this)
(...me too, as I proof-read, -Tyler)
I labored at home the entire time. (So opposite of Lucas', where I was at the hospital the entire time) I showered, (Kim showed up) sat on the birthball, moved to our rocking chair with a heating pad on my back, then back to the ball, while Kim pressed the heating pad on my back. Back labor is no joke!
It was such a great experience. We had on hymns in the background, papers with attributes of God posted on the walls, prayer, and overall calm and enjoyable environment. During the contractions, I was able to sing whatever hymn was playing at the time and it just felt so good!! They started to get a bit more intense, so Kim reminded me that I wanted to be at the hospital before transition. We slowly headed that way, around 3:45am.
The drive I had been dreading wasn't so bad. My rythmic breathing was key, and it was pretty good. I just needed to concentrate to make sure I was still in "my zone." We got there and they wheeled me upstairs because I definitely couldn't walk. Tyler had to go park the car, and when doing so, called Dr. Dornfeld (she actually gave us her cell #). We had to stop many times during the small trip up so that I could work through the contractions. Got to the desk, weighed myself, went to the room, changed, peed in a cup, sat on the bed so they could hook me all up to the monitors and check my progress. This all happened in about 10-20mins.
They check how far along I was... BOOM! Our nurse looked at me like holy moly... you're 8cm and your sac is about to pop! I don't know how it happened, but labor pains increased once they had checked me. The most intense part hit me like lightning. Two contractions later, my water broke and gave instant relief, quickly followed by more intense pain. (This is when you think you are gonna die from pain...)
At this point, there were literally over 10 people in the room, mostly nurses. Since things progressed so quickly, they weren't sure what to expect.
I kept screaming that I couldn't wait anymore that I HAD TO PUSH! I was only at 9cm but my lovely doctor said ok. Simple. Lets try.
Calvin was sunny side up, so we tried a few positions, but none worked, so on my back it was. (One really cool thing was that my doctor just sat at the end of the bed on the corner just watching and encouraging. She never rubbed anything or stretched things. She calmly watched and encouraged)
I pushed for 20mins. And to my surprise Calvin was huge! So huge that he got stuck. Yep stuck. My doctor and Kim joked that his head was born at 5:05 but his body at 5:06.
His shoulders were super wide... Before I knew what was really happening, my small, petite, woman doctor jumped on the table and was telling me to push as hard as I could and don't stop. A handful of nurses started throwing their bodies on my belly and pushing. Then my doctor decided to reach in and grab his shoulder and pull him out. And he was free! There was meconium, so the nurses took him immediately - Tyler didn't even have time to cut the cord. Because I didn't realize what had happened, I just kept asking if he was alive; I didn't understand all the rush. She reassured me he was fine and that he was just a bit stuck...
He ended up weighing in at 9lbs 11ozs. (Holy moly big baby!!!) I ended up only having a "paper cut" for a tear; she said it was so small she almost didn't see it. Sweet! Because Lucas about destroyed me. Calvin spend the remainder of our time at the hospital in the NICU because he had fluid in his lungs... they say he came too quick, and therefore didn't have time to squeeze all the fluid out that naturally happens during pushing. He nursed like a champ though and had the loudest cry - so loud I could hear him across the hall in our room.
Such a sweet time. I loved labor and delivery this time around... God was so good and I honestly felt this was a worship service and a great opportunity to trust God. Im so thankful for my team this time (though much love to Corinne Henderson with Lucas), and I praise God for how He designed reproduction.
My Lord has redeemed labor for me. Its hard but its much sweeter than I had known. As I look back their is one verse that changed my perspective...
My Lord has redeemed labor for me. Its hard but its much sweeter than I had known. As I look back their is one verse that changed my perspective...
James 1:2-4
2 Count it all joy, my brothers,[a] when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
This is how Calvin got his name... James Calvin Hodge. I do feel as if the Lord has allowed me to forgive and move forward. Im sure there will be fears the next time but I feel well equipped with Gods word and have faith that He is creator and good in all he does. God created all things and said it was good. Im on board with that and can trust HIM even if my emotions try to tell me otherwise.
I love you sweet James Calvin Hodge! I can't wait to see what God does through your life. You're my precious baby boy and I am a better women, mom, wife, and Christ follower because of your life. I pray for many many many years to watch you live life.
Lucas loves his little brother (kisses every night)!!! "Ca-vin"