Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Did you say Bible Diet?

     So lately I have been evaluating the things my family is putting in their bodies. I don't want to blindly go where ever the wind takes me. I also don't want to make a trendy decision. I want to throughly evaluate, research, pray, and surrender a decision to the Lord. I want to read my bible learn about their foods and health. 

     I am currently investigating essential oils. Some say it's a trendy choice but I see it as a natural, safe, biblical option.  So far we have used a lot of lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and orange. So far it has helped with my chronic leg pain, and with teething. We will see where this takes use. They hope is to have as little medicines from a drug store as possible. 

Mark 6:13

And they cast out many demons and anointed with oil many who were sick and healed them. 

Or here are a list of all the verses that have oil in them. 

     Im also evaluating foods. Organic, natural, real food, local, grass feed, cage free, the list goes on. Is it worth it? It cost a significant amount more to eat REAL FOOD! Crazy. Are foods that are not organic or natural but with preservatives, hormones, GMOs, and who knows what else bad enough that we need to make a dramatic permanent switch. I see that there is so much mystery in the foods we buy at the grocery store and I can't trust what some unknown person that is making them. For me I am daily becoming more and more convinced to make the switch because I LOVE MY FAMILY and I want to be a good stewart over our bodies. Here is a link to a diet I'm looking into... Bible Diet. Yes, I did just say Bible Diet.

Anyway, here are some verses on food.

Isaiah 55:2

Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.

Oh such a long list of verses to go through as a word bible study of Food in the bible. 

    And the last big topic I am evaluating, researching, reading, and praying through is vaccines. I know, this is a huge topic and one Im not going to go into much detail on because I don't want to anger or cause division but its a serious question. Are vaccines safe, biblical, good, or a necessity? Im investigating ingredients, changes in health patterns in the US since vaccines, and honestly leaning on the Lord for guidance in this area. I will never even hint at saying I have it all figured out, or that there is a clear effect of vaccines on our bodies. I just feel it is my duty as a steward of my body and my children's bodies to do the research.

Psalm 41:3

The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.

Or here is a word search on health... here
Sickness... Here

     I must now say that I know that illness and disease are in the world and that is a real thing. The fall in the Garden of Eden DID happen, and sin HAS entered into the world.  I am sooooooooo beyond thankful for doctors, my family doctor, and the health professionals. I believe these people are truly gifted with compassion and knowledge to help us make informed decisions on our health. I also think that ultimately our health choices are between us and the Lord and that he gave us doctors only to aid in making our decision not to rule over our decision. 

     Well there it is, my beginnings of a long journey into surrendering my health and my families health to Jesus. And considering all His ways so that he can be LORD over all. By His grace we will walk and His mercy we will trust in Jesus alone.


  1. Love it! I'm 7 years in to a similar journey and have no regrets.

    1. Oh you're a great source.... playdate and health talk?
