Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Homeschooling: Information Overload

     Since getting married back in 2009 homeschooling has been our desire for our home. It isn't the only option or even the one and only best option for everyone but for our family its the most perfect fit. We arrived here early on before we had kiddos because it fit into our multi-generation thinking and vision we had for our family. Our personal christian world view led us to conclude that homeschool was the perfect fit for us to help shepard and teach our children. It is really odd to have this passion for teaching my kiddos considering I HATED school when I was younger. I didn't pay a bit of attention in high school, cared more about my sports, and struggled to get by in college. There were many factors in this view of school but the largest factor in me hating school was I didn't have a relationship with Jesus and how he is was woven through our history, math, science, media, art, health, and more. Our desire is to know Christ more and make Him known, and when we are children in school we can see that even in this season of learning our basics that this can be happening.

     All of this being said, HOLY MOLY INFORMATION OVERLOAD! Lucas has been desiring school lately because friends were headed off to preschool, shows on Netflix talking about school and he has a serious desire to learn. Oddly enough I wasn't going to organize any kind of preschool home schooling. I was advised to just teach as life moves. Not to organize much  (Which is not me! I LOVE ORDER and schedules) but to just have an atmosphere of learning. But Lucas is expressing a desire for more structured teaching time so here we are. We have arrived at this a year or more sooner than I had anticipated. Im working hard to gather all the information I could possible need to begin this journey.

     I have decided that I want to have themed weeks, bible verses, circle time, table time, and specific teaching time for letters, numbers, writing, shapes, dictionary, and characteristics of God.  So I now have all this running through my head and need to put it all together! How on earth do I do this!! Time to print of schedules, lesson plan outlines, and calendars. Pray for us as we work through this and pray I understand it quickly. Thanks y'all! If you are on a similar journey and have any advise or encouragement it is welcome. 

Here's about a 1/100 of these ideas and plans running through my head... THANKS PINTREST!!


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